Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Use YouTube to Motivate with Emotion

Searching YouTube for great customer experience videos, I came across this video.

It had nothing to do with customer experience, but it is great and very moving. What it did do was inspire me to checkout what was posted at www.youtube.com/nonprofits which is exactly what the creator intended.

This got me thinking about customer experience in relation to YouTube in general, and more importantly how to best use YouTube in the not-for-profit space to generate revenue which is an obvious but often unstated goal of those seeking to enhance customer experience.

Have you seen the JK Wedding Dance video? My guess is yes, but if not I posted it below. It came to mind for many reasons. First and foremost, I think it is simply great that this couple and their friends decided to do something different, fun, and creative on their big day. Second and certainly not least, they decided to raise funds for a great organization with their 15 seconds of fame. I wish I had thought of this for my own wedding, and I wish knew Jill and Kevin personally.

At last count the video had over 21,500,000 hits, and has raised over $15,000 for the Sheila Wellstone Institute. The Chronicle of Philanthropy picked up the story along with pretty much any and every entertainment news venue. You can read the article here: http://philanthropy.com/news/prospecting/index.php?id=9201.

Takeaway: We should learn from these videos to inspire, entertain, and step outside of the norm. We should be unique and deliver experience in a new and moving way, and when we do they will come and many will donate.

1 comment:

  1. Great examples! I would also add that a video that educates is another great way to reach viewers.

    I loved this DIY teleprompter video made by the American Red Cross chapter in Austin, TX:

    A standard PSA becomes an engaging how-to tip!
