Monday, August 17, 2009

A Bit of Chocolate

Like so many, I too love chocolate.

Each year we do a campaign with a Godiva chocolate offer. The first year we did that campaign we tested the offer in an effort to determine whether or not people were more motivated by chocolate or money. The offer was essentially the same dollar amount in both circumstances. The result: the Godiva chocolate offer elicited twice the interest as the cash. We were all very pleasantly surprised by this finding. It is nice to know that people are motivated by something other than money.

I had to tell you that story to tell you this one. Saturday I went to Batteries Plus to get a new battery backup for my alarm system. At the end of the purchase the sales lady lifted up a huge bowl of chocolate she had behind the counter and asked if me and my son would like a piece. I was so surprised (again the element of surprise is a huge factor), and delighted by this offering I had clearly not expected. Even better than the offering was the quality of the chocolate being offered...very nice touch.

Takeaway: Chocolate sells and the element of surprise continues to be a leading factor in developing a positive customer experience.


  1. Bridget - I'd also like to point out that people tend to be a little "selfish". Sometimes it's tough to get a B2B customer to respond unless they see what's in it for them as the individual rather than them as the business. Maybe the chocolate offer drove more response because the individual got something out of the deal (not just money savings for the company).

  2. I could not agree more. Aristotle said, “The fool tells me his reason; the wise man persuades me with my own.” As good marketers we should always ask "What's in it for me?", and by me-we mean them.

    Thanks for sharing Jeremy!
